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Blog > Common Summer Pests: Everything You Need To Know

Common Summer Pests: Everything You Need To Know

November 23, 2022

Summer is a great time of year, but it also brings with it many common summer pests that you should know about. Here's a handy guide to some of the most bothersome, how to avoid attracting them and what to do if you encounter one.


Mosquito bites cause irritation and swelling that are sometimes painful, especially when they occur on the hands or feet. Mosquito bites can also lead to serious reactions in people who have other allergies or skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis or atopic dermatitis (eczema).

The best way to prevent mosquito bites is by using repellents on exposed skin and permethrin-treated clothing. Avoiding being outside during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active (except for activities such as swimming) will also help you avoid mosquito bites. 


Ticks are common in Australia and can carry dangerous diseases, such as Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. Although ticks are found throughout Australia, they tend to be more common in wooded areas and on animals or pets that roam in grassland. Always wear long trousers when walking in these areas and check pets for ticks after being outdoors.

To remove a tick, it’s best to use a special tick-removing device. Failing that, you could use tweezers or fingers to nip it around the head and pull it out slowly while taking care not to squeeze the body of the tick with your fingers. Doing so could cause it to inject its blood back into you. It’s important to keep its mouth parts intact on the tick’s body. Wrap the tick in toilet paper and dispose of it in the bin or down the toilet. Finally, wash your hands thoroughly after removing any insects using soap and warm water.

Termites live underground and will only appear above ground when they need to feed on wooden materials or leaves. These pests can travel through soft soil around 45 cm per day, so it’s important that you keep an eye out for any signs that might indicate their presence near your home or business premises.

To prevent termite infestations from occurring in your home:

  • Avoid storing firewood outdoors unless it has been treated against termite infestation (this includes avoiding natural logs).
  • Ensure gutters are kept clear of debris throughout the year so rainwater cannot collect against walls which may help provide protection against subterranean attack by subterranean termites.

Stinging Insects (Bees, Wasps And Hornets)

Bees, wasps and hornets are busy building nests during summer so they’re much more active. Avoid leaving food out on counters and keep bins sealed tightly. Also make sure that you close windows and doors and that cracks in brickwork, window ledges and other areas are sealed to prevent them from getting into your home and causing an infestation. 

If you find yourself being stung by a bee or other type of stinging insect, here’s how to treat the sting:

  • Wash the area with soap and water thoroughly after removing the stinger (if possible).
  • Apply an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) over the area for 20 minutes at a time until it no longer hurts. This will relieve pain by constricting blood flow to the area so that swelling doesn’t occur as quickly.
  • You can also find topical treatments available to neutralise insect stings. If you experience symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as difficulty breathing, dizziness or swelling, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Stay Safe This Summer

If you find yourself with a pest infestation this summer, contact the experts at Holloway & Co, the leading experts for carpet cleaning and pest control services in Toowoomba.

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