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Holloway & Co

Spider Pest Control Toowoomba

Spider which requires pest control in Toowoomba - Holloway & Co Carpet Cleaning & Pest Control

Holloway & Co offer a long-lasting, effective method of eliminating spider infestations. We use proven methods to ensure total removal, as well as offer information and advice on spider-proofing your property to reduce the risk of a re-infestation.

Why are spiders a hazardous pest?

One or two harmless spiders in the house aren't usually a cause for concern. Unfortunately, many homes can end up with an infestation of hundreds! In addition, some spider species are dangerous - nobody wants a bite from a Funnel Web Spider or a Redback! Other problems that a spider pest problem can bring include:

Spiders can cause allergies

Spider webs don't just trap insects for late consumption, they can also trap pollen, pet dander and other allergens. If someone in your household is allergic to any of these, webs can hold a damaging concentration of detritus that can aggravate their health problems.

Spiders can be a sign of an insect infestation

Spiders will tend to colonise areas where there is a good food supply. As spiders mainly eat insects, an excess of spiders frequently means you also have an infestation of 'roaches, beetles, flying insects or similar.

Spiders can cause stress and anxiety

Around 1 in 20 Australians have a phobia (extreme fear) of spiders. Even one spider in their home can be enough to cause extreme anxiety and fear; an infestation could be enough to cause significant mental harm. Even people who aren't phobic of spiders certainly don't want eight-legged guests crawling over their food, furniture and bedding.

Where am I likely to find a spider infestation?

Spiders tend to stay near food, which means they typically build webs and nests in the same location as insects. Dark, quiet areas of your property are particularly likely to appeal to spiders. Crawl spaces, attics, cellars and secluded areas in parts of the property that are prone to damp are all prime spots for spiders to take up residence.

What are the signs of a spider infestation?

There are four main signs that you've got a spider infestation happening in your home or business:

  • An infestation of flying insects. These are spider food, so attract spiders to invade and breed.
  • Egg sacs (hundreds of eggs wrapped in web silk).
  • An abnormally large number of spiders in your home or office.
  • An abnormally large number of webs.


How can Holloway & Co help with your spider problem?


When it comes to spider pest control, Holloway & Co have got it covered. We use modern methods and equipment that controls spiders effectively with minimal disruption to your business or home.

If you have an insect infestation that's also present (which may have prompted the spiders to invade), we can eliminate that as well. In addition, our team is able to offer recommendations and suggestions for reducing the risk of a repeat infestation.

Why not let us inspect your new property for signs of a spider infestation before you take up residence?

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