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Blog > Do I Need A New Carpet or A Carpet Cleaner?


Thursday, March 18, 2021 1:21 PM    carpet cleaner toowoomba


Termites are responsible for causing $3.9 billion of damage to Australian homes each year according to a study by AEPMA. So if you spot termites in your home you must get the problem sorted as quickly as possible.

The question is, should you try to get rid of them yourself or
call in a professional pest control company?

The argument for DIY termite control is a compelling one, the cost of treatment is considerably less than hiring a professional and they promise the same results. But are DIY termite treatments really as effective as professional ones?

In this blog, we are going to look at four ways professional termite control is safer, faster, and more effective at removing these unwanted pests than shop-bought DIY treatments.

DIY termite control vs Professional Termite control Toowoomba

Some DIY termite control kits are not safe for pets

Some DIY termite control kits are not safe for use around animals. This means you have to be careful where you apply the insecticide, especially if you are applying it inside the home.

While some DIY kits are marked as safe for pets, these are likely to be much less effective at removing the termites themselves. So if you have pets in the house it is better to hire a professional.

professional pest control expert will be able to evaluate the infestation and carry out a risk assessment before applying insecticide. If there is a risk that your pet may be harmed, they will make you aware and let you know what precautions should be taken.

DIY termite control could make the problem worse

Over the counter, termite treatments are weaker than professional-grade ones. This can cause problems for large infestations because the termites can quickly build up resilience to the termiticide.

This means when you call in a professional to rectify the problem the chemicals they use will be much less effective. So if you have a major infestation in your home the sooner you call a professional the better.

Pest control experts have in-depth knowledge

Termites are resilient creatures, they have been living alongside humans since we first started building settlements. Over the centuries we have developed hundreds of methods of removing them and yet they remain an ever-present threat to this day.

As a result, termites are not as easy to remove as some DIY treatments will have you believe. It takes skill and experience to effectively remove termites from your home and even then some infestations can prove to be a challenge.

So if you have a serious infestation, don’t try and remove them yourself. Save yourself a lot of time and trouble by
calling in the professionals. A professional team will be better able to identify the species and create a bespoke termination plan to eliminate them effectively.

Professional treatments are more effective

While both DIY and professional treatments often contain the same active ingredients. The chemicals in DIY treatments are diluted to prevent causing inadvertent damage to the environment.

So professional treatments are always going to be more effective at removing termites than DIY treatments. When combined with the expert knowledge and application of the pest control expert, your unwanted guests will be removed quickly before they cause further damage to your home.

Need termite pest control in Toowoomba?

If you have a termite infestation in Toowoomba, don’t panic, we can help. Our pest control experts are experts at removing stubborn termite infestations, both inside and outside the home.

Give us a call today on
0458 094 911 or complete the online contact form and we’ll call you back at a suitable time.

We cover homes and businesses in Toowoomba, Millmerran, Clifton, Gatton, Withcott, Pittsworth and Westbrook.

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