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Holloway & Co

Blog > How to Clean Your Carpet After Pet Problems


Wednesday, January 8, 2020 8:24 AM carpet cleaning

carpet cleaner in Toowoomba is handy to be able to call when your pets soil the carpet. Having pets has been proven to be good for your general wellbeing and mental health, but it’s no secret that they can be pretty messy. Whether you’re potty training a puppy, have a cat that doesn’t always make it to the litter box, or you simply have grime and hair everywhere from your beloved pet, the experts here at Holloway and Co Carpet Cleaning and  Pest Control can help you get those carpets back to their original pristine condition. Here’s how to clean up after a pet problem in between so it doesn’t get really bad. 

Wet Stains

If the area is still wet, the steps you take will be different than if you’ve discovered a dry stain. For wet spots, start by soaking up as much liquid as possible, using paper towels covered with newspaper and pressing down firmly. Continue pressing until the area is damp and no longer saturated. Clean the area with cool fresh water, blotting it dry once you’re done scrubbing. Allow the area to air dry, then repeat as necessary until it’s gone. 

Set in Stains

All pet owners have found a stain somewhere that they didn’t realise was there. It could be urine, vomit or other messes left behind by pets. While it may be a bit tougher to get rid of them, it’s still possible to restore your carpet to its clean condition. Use a carpet cleaning machine on the area, either by allowing us to help or by doing it yourself. Once the area is dry, apply an odour neutralising product. Repeat as necessary.

What Not to Do

When you have a pet stain your biggest goal is to simply get rid of it. However, there are some things you shouldn’t use on such a spot. Avoid a steam cleaning machine, which bonds the stain and the odour to the fibres in your carpet. Never use chemical products like vinegar or ammonia because those scents encourage a dog or cat to use the same area as a potty zone. If the stain has soaked into the pad beneath your carpet, you may want to replace it rather than trying to remove the stain. 

When to Call a Professional

Regular clean-up is your job, but for a thorough deep cleaning, calling us every few months to clean your carpets can help keep pet stains and odours from ruining your carpets and making your home smell unpleasant. 

Contact us at any time for an appointment to clean your carpets. 

For more great carpet cleaning and pest control advice, read our previous blog on 
Should I Get A Termite Prevention Barrier For My Home.

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